Has the catastrophe already happened or is it about to take place? And as in
a classical drama, will it provide a catharsis? Two men and a woman sit in
their bunker-like apartments, as if they were in a waiting room. Overwhelmed
by the flood of media information and guidebook words of wisdom, they seek
stability in the piano play of the educated middle-class and Far-eastern
techniques of self-optimization. They yearn for a life, in which their own
experiences come together to a meaningful whole. But the protective
membrane, meant to filter incoming influences, has long begun to crack. They
lose sight of the overall picture and the fear of diffused dangers
immobilizes them. With frenzied activism, they try to avoid idleness.
Something has to happen! But nothing does when will the catastrophe happen
or has it already happened? Which act are we in?
With Karin Minger, Thomas Douglas, David Wohnlich
Artistic collaboration, production: Stella Händler
Voices: Desirée Meiser, Thomas Douglas, Ueli Jäggi
Camera: Thomas Isler
Set design and costume design: Monika Görner
Music: J. S. Bach
Piano: Michael Donkel
Sounddesign: Max Philipp Schmid
Sounddesign and mix: Hartmut Homolka
Basler Medienkunstpreis, 2019
Videoex, Swiss competition and ex-aequo prize, 2020
Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2019, Internationaler Wettbewerb, Weltpremiere
São Paulo International Short Film Festival 2019, Internationaler Wettbewerb, Südamerikanische Premiere
Festival Tous Courts 2019, Internationaler Wettbewerb, Französische Premiere
Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2019, Internationaler Wettbewerb, UK Premiere
Solothurner Filmtage, Panorama Shorts, 2019
Basler Medienkunstpreis, 2019
Videoex, Swiss competition and ex-aequo prize, 2020
9th Kyiv International Short Film Festival, together:appart, Program, 2020
Leiden International Sportfilm Experience, 2020
Guanajuato International Film Festival, experimental short category, 2020
Blue Danube Film Festival, experimental section, 2020
E-Werk Ausstellung, 2021