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Apple and Volcano – In Search of what remains

Fabienne is terminally ill and hasn’t much time left. She is very open about her fate. Her biggest worry concerns her two young daughters. Fabienne wants to find out how, as a child, her friend Nathalie dealt with the deaths of her father and brother. She wants to understand Nathalie’s memories of her father are ambivalent. He died of a heart attack when she was ten. Her brother was her hero. One day he disappeared into the forest never to return. Nathalie’s view of her childhood has turned into a solid story. This story however does not suffice to answer Fabienne’s questions.
The two friends embark on a journey into the world of memories and forgetting; Fabienne in preparation for her death and Nathalie in order to face life. A new story emerges, one upon which Fabienne has forever left her mark.

With Fabienne Roth Duss (1975–2014)
Catherine Oestreicher Armand
Sophie Tummarello
Doris Rüttimann
Off voice German: Susanne-Marie Wrage
Off voice French: Dagna Litzenberger Vinet

Author and Director: Nathalie Oestreicher
DOP: Séverine Barde, Milivoj Ivkovic
Sound: Olivier JeanRichard
Editing: Loredana Cristelli
Music: Beni Mosele
Sounddesign: Peter Bräker, Beni Mosele
Sound editing and mixing: Hartmut Homolka
Colorgrading: Hannes Rüttimann
Production: Stella Händler
Coproduction: Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, Radio Télévision Suisse, SRG SSR
Distribution: Cineworx (CH)


DVD with features

Basler Filmpreis 2017
CYIFF – Zypern, 2018 (gewinnt Preis für beste Regie)

Visions du réels, 2017
34. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm und Videofest, 2017
53. Solothurner Filmtage, 2017
Basler Filmpreis 2017
CYIFF – Zypern, 2018 (gewinnt Preis für beste Regie)

Bridges International Film Festival – Athens, 2018


Filmbulletin, First published: 5th of June 2018, Text: Johannes Binotto