The older man plays the piano, the woman is practicing Tai Chi, the younger man is aimlessly searching the Internet. In choreographed sequences the plotlines of these three solitary characters begin to thicken, into expressive conditions somewhere between hysterical activism and helpless resignation. Now and again they pause, peek out their windows into the darkness where they can sense an invisible danger. But despite their state of high alert, nothing happens. All three return to their routines, until they once again sit up and try to grab a hold of this intrusive, unfathomable something. With fragments of catastrophe poetry, news and sociological observations, Membrane addresses openness and segregation, information overload and powerlessness in a filmic collage.
With Karin Minger, Thomas Douglas, David Wohnlich
Voices: Desirée Meiser, Thomas Douglas, Ueli Jäggi
Camera and Lights: Thomas Isler
Art Director and Costume: Monika Görner
Set Design: Regula und Philip Soland
Make-up: Andrea Kummler
Music: J. S. Bach Präludium Nr. 24 h-Moll
Piano: Michael Donkel
Sounddesign: Max Philipp Schmid
Sounddesign und Mischung: Harmut Homolka
Colorgrading: Hannes Rüttimann
Installationstechnik: Tweaklab
Artistic collaboration and production: Stella Händler
Nidwaldner Museum Stans: Collisions (9th of March – 20th of May 2018)
Filmexplorer, First published: 6th of May 2018, Text: Eva Kuhn