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Luber Aloft

Performance artist Heinrich Lüber deals with public space and the different perspectives concerning the general public in his work. Passers-by become his spectators while he places ordinary surroundings in a different context for a few hours. The various ways of communicating and making an approach serve as the subjects of his art. His performances transform the spectators’ perception into a state of suspense. Lüber poses questions, without presuming answers. As a mastermind and brilliant storyteller, Heinrich Lüber takes us on a journey through his seemingly weightless world.

Author and Director: Anna-Lydia Florin
Performances: Heinrich Lüber
DOP: René Baumann
Sound: Olivier JeanRichard
Editor: Paul Avondet, Ruth Schläpfer
Music: Mario Marchisella, Knut Jensen, Ramon De Marco, Daniel Dettwiler
Soundmix: Jürg von Allmen C.A.S.
Producer: Stella Händler
Distributor: Cineworx (CH)


Award for best Soundtrack AsoloArtFilmFestival, Asolo, Italy
Special mention of the jury FICAP, Festival Intern. de Cinema de Artes Performativas, Lisboa, Portugal


full frame Documantary Film Festival, Durham, USA
Sao Paulo Intern. Film Festival, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
AsoloArtFilmFestival, Asolo, Italien
FICAP Festival Internacional de Cinema de Artes Performativas, Lisboa, Portugal
Solothurner Filmtage
FIFA – Festival Intern. du Film sur l`Art, Montréal (im Wettbewerb)
„here I stand“ contemporary Arts project, AllArtNow House, Damascus, Syria